Hey Sunflowers,

Today we're going to dive into what it means to have a healthy relationship. Romantic relations sit on a spectrum, just like every other relationship, from healthy to abusive, with “unhealthy” falling somewhere in the middle.

Unfortunately, even healthy relationships can become unhealthy overtime. When you find yourself in an unhealthy to abusive relationship you often wonder, how did we even get here? I hope this short blogpost can give you some tangible tools to evaluate your relationship and take preventative measures to avoid the reality of so many women who look like us.

  1. Communication

This one seems simple but being able to openly and honestly communicate with you partner is essential and can be a huge red flag for a toxic relationship. You should be able to tell your partner everything and not be afraid of their reaction. If you find yourself walking on eggshells around your partner or you’re unable to bring up a topic completely, this is a problem.

2. Posessiveness

If you ever feel that the other person has become jealous of your other relationships to the point of jealousy, then they probably have formed a sense of possession over you. Be mindful of that! It’s not “cute” if he only wants to see you and you to only see him, its possessive and can lead to manipulation.

3. Manipulation

Being manipulated can start so quickly you may not even realize it’s happening. It may begin with a simple, “He’s having a bad day, we’ll do what he wants to do” and transform into emotionally manipulating you to do what you wouldn't have otherwise wanted to do on a small and large scale. It may even present as feeling guilty for not doing or saying what he wants you to. Ladies, lets me mindful of this.

4. Isolation

Like the rest of the indicators I have discussed, this one can start slow, often times people don’t realize they’ve journeyed to true isolation until it’s too late. If someone is isolating you from family and friends, maybe through time spent or even physical distance, this is not healthy.

This blogpost is so important, now more than ever, because for the first time people’s entire worlds have allowed them to stay home. For some people, this is great, for others, this year has been hell on earth. Prevention is important!

forever blooming,


p.s. I know I’ve been away but I’m back, I promise!


Evolving Still


Safe Space