Obedient Servant

Hey Sunnies,

Happy Lenten Season! For those of you who may not know, Lent is a season of sacrifice to remember the 40 days Jesus went into the forest to pray before He was taken to the cross. In the forest he did not eat or drink and He was tempted three times by the devil. So today, we give up something, sometimes some things, to draw nearer to God as Jesus did.
Well this Lent season is different for me because I’m approaching it just wanting to be an obidient servant. I’m fasting from meat so God can reveal to me His vision. If you are fasting, I’m praying with you. I’m praying for your vision & guidance, for discernment of what is God and is not, and for this to be a season of gratitude & thankfulness to a loving God.
forever blooming,

Mikaela Amira


my why


What do you need?