The Beauty of Now
Hey Sunnies,
Happy 2023! I’m wishing blessings and abundance over everyone reading this for whatever you’re believing God for this year. Since we last spoke so much has happened! The biggest thing being I moved to NY on faith to pursue a career in entertainment law. This last three months has been a whirlwind of excitement and growing pains and mourning and dreaming and learning all wrapped in one. But I learned something very important.
If you are always waiting for “it” to come, it never will. When I first moved to NY I started a sentence with, “when I get a job…” almost everyday. It’s easy to say that when you are waiting on God for something specific. But the truth is this wasn’t the first time I started talking like that. Last year it was, “when I pass the bar…” or “when I graduate…” and the “when I”s go back as far as I can remember. But I finally realized if I’m always waiting for it, it’ll never come, because the truth is when I do get a job it’ll just be something else.
So I know this post is cliche and probably something you’ve heard before but please don’t let the value be lost on it. If you are always waiting on joy, it’ll never come. If you are always waiting for peace, it’ll never come. So TAKE IT. Today, decide joy. Today, decide peace. Today, decide happiness. It’s truly a radical act that will change the quality of your existence forever.
Instead of waiting on something, let the stillness teach you gratitude and contentment in a new way. “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11
Most people take that line about strength to comfort themselves or others that God can do anything, which is true! But the line is so much more powerful than that when you learn the context of the reason that strength is even necessary. Paul was waiting on the Lord. God says He will renew our strength while we wait. (Isaiah 40:31) So Paul is saying we can be content in the now because God gives us strength to endure the weight of the wait. Take this as a sign that you can rest and have the joy or peace or whatever your “it” is now because we serve a God that already has the rest figured out.
So cheers to the beauty in the wait. The beauty of the now.
forever blooming,
Mikaela Amira